Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Don't Blog.

Yeah. You heard me. I don't blog. But hey, I figured since everybody else was doing it, I'd give it a try. You know, talk about all the important/exciting things happening in my life. So here goes nothing!

Last night, Ian and I were sitting on the couch in our little apartment talking, and realized that July of this year we will be married two years. How crazy is that??? Time goes by so fast. Also, we never thought that we would be looking for a house anytime soon, but we found out two days ago that we are pre-approved, which is SO exciting! We drove around with my dad this afternoon (he's a realtor) looking for houses and we discovered that it's pretty overwhelming! Not only do you have to think about what you want in a house, but location is also HUGE. As ironic as it is, one of the most important things I am looking for in a house is a beautiful kitchen. "Why is that ironic?" you might ask. Because I don't cook. Hee hee. Here is a picture of the kitchen in a house we viewed today, that I absolutely fell in LOVE with:
It's brand-spankin' new and I LOVE it. Anyway. I'm still on such a high from looking at houses today and I'm so excited! I just need to calm down. :)

So there. There's my first blog post...or at least my first blog post in a very long time. It's not very long, but that's okay. Check back though because I'll be updating, randomly!