Friday, April 30, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

This Fill in the Blank Friday is movie themed! 
Have fun...and don't forget to link up over at Lauren's!

1.  My absolute favorite movie of all time is      Sweet Home Alabama. I have always loved it. Ian actually proposed to me at the red glass shop in the movie...ain't he sweet  ?

2.  My favorite movie as a child was      Twister. I know...I'm weird. I seriously think I saw that movie like 11 or 12 times in my childhood, and decided I wanted to be a tornado chaser  .

3.  The best movie quote ever is       from Sweet Home Alabama. "Whatcha wanna marry me for anyhow?" "So I can kiss you anytime I want ."

4.  My favorite actress is     Rachel McAdams. I have always loved her !  My favorite actor is      Ryan Reynolds. I think he's hilarious...and hot of course  . :)

5.  The movie I could watch over and over is     The Proposal. It's my second favorite movie of all time  .

6.  My favorite movie genre is      romantic comedy .

7.  A movie I'd like to watch this weekend is      New Moon! I have seen it twice already...but I can never get enough of the Twilight Saga !

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Turquoise Thursday!

It's that time again! Time to dedicate this beautiful day to the most bestest color in the whole wide world...turquoise! Yay!
How adorable is this house? So cute.
I want this chandelier. Now.
Remember how I said I wanted a sewing machine?
How much more awesome would it be if it were turquoise?
Omgoodness! I love this bedroom!
Oooooh I want my little girl's room to look like this!
(my unborn little girl...haha) So cute.
What better color to pair turquoise with? Lime green of course!

Y'all have a great day!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Dainty Squid Giveaway

Kaylah over at The Dainty Squid is doing a giveaway provided by! How cute are these quirky little coffee mugs? Like them? Go on over and enter for your chance to win!

Wish List Wednesday

Hey guys! Today, I thought I would start a themed post called Wish List Wednesday. I think I've seen some other bloggers do it...but I can't remember who! This post is dedicated to the things currently on my wish list! I will list 3 items each Wednesday.

If you want to play three things on your wish list, and fill out the linky below! 

I am wishing for...

#3 - A Sewing Machine!
I want to make more stuff! Haha. As you guys know...or maybe do not know...I have a hobby of making things out of felt, of which I hand-stitch. Yes it's pretty, but after hand HURTS! I also want a sewing machine because I want to make my own curtains and pillows for our new house!

#2 - A New Lens for My Camera!
The camera I use (other than my iPhone...hehe) is a Nikon D5000. I LOVE it. It's my baby. I purchased it as a graduation gift to myself in May of 2009 with ALL of my graduation money. Yep...all of it. Of couse it just had come out when I bought it so it was a lot more expensive then, than it is right now. Right now, I only have a 18-55mm lens...but I would love to have a 55-200mm soon...and very soon. :)

And the thing I am wishing for the most...

#1 - The Construction on Our New House to Begin!
I don't have to elaborate much on this one because I have ranted and raved about this in just about every "House Building Updates" post. I am soooo ready to get started! We are still praying for the city to give us the go!

Well...there they are...the three things on my wish list as of today!
I hope you guys have a blessed rest of the day!

To All My Sweet Followers!

Guess what!? I now have 20 followers!
Some of you are probably thinking, "woop-tee-doooo" because you have like 500 followers...haha...but this is a big deal for me! When I first started blogging, I never thought anyone...much less 20 people would start following me! So thank you guys so much for following my little blog! I promise I will try not to disappoint! Love you guys!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Etsy It Up Giveaway!

Etsy it Up has partnered with Gussy! Head on over to enter for your chance to win one of these adorable ruffled beauties!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Much Love Monday

I love my Hipstamatic iPhone application. Actually...I am completely obsessed with it. I love that you can change out the film, lenses, and flashes just like you could with a toy camera. Of course there are a few combinations that I like to use more often than others...but I love that you can change it up! Here are a few photos I have taken recently!

Lens: John S
Film: Ina's 1969
Flash: RedEye Gel
Lens: John S
Film: Ina's 1969
Flash: Dreampop
Lens: John S
Film: Ina's 1969
Flash: Dreampop
Lens: John S
Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain
Flash: RedEye Gel
Lens: John S
Film: Ina's 1969
Flash: RedEye Gel
Lens: John S
Film: Ina's 1969
Flash: Dreampop
Lens: Helga Viking
Film: Ina's 1969
Flash: Dreampop
Lens: Roboto Glitter
Film: Ina's 1969
Flash: RedEye Gel
Lens: John S
Film: Ina's 1969
Flash: Off

Don't forget to link up over at Anna's!

Like the tape strip in my header? Get your own here!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Six Senses Sunday

It's time for another Six Senses Sunday! Don't forget to link up over at Julia's!

Right now I'm...

Iced water. Ian and I just got home and were both so thirsty!

The yummy coffee that I am waiting on to finish brewing! I'm exhausted but I just put a load in the washer so I have to stay up to put them in the dryer.

The Atlanta Braves on the tv. I'm not watching it...Ian is. I don't watch sports on tv...haha. In fact, I could care less!

The coffee pot is making a weird noise. It kind of sounds like my stomach when I'm really hungry. Haha. Oh, and I also hear the washing machine because I just put a load in.

The cords in my computer bag trying to find my usb cable to my camera to upload some pictures I took of the band tonight. Found it!

Exhausted. I didn't get my Sunday nap today. While Ian took a nap, my mom and I started packing up stuff in the living room of our apartment since we have to be out by May 31st. Wow. That's going to sneak up on us! I need to get some more boxes!

(source for balloon header picture)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is it About Donuts?

Every Saturday morning, I go to Dunkin' Donuts and get a dozen to take to work. I try to get a variety of types of donuts, but the organizer in me always ends up getting them in pairs of two. (I know I'm weird) So it's like, "can I get two glazed, two blueberry cake, etc." Anyway.
I always get the donuts with the intention to only eat one.
One "healthier" donut...such as the Glazed Cruller. (supposedly has the least amount of calories because it's made with more eggs - I know this is probably false, but I'm going to believe I'm right to make myself feel better...haha)
I leave the box alone for a little while...go clean some kennels (I work at a vet), bathe some dogs, etc...then I remember that there is still a yummy box of donuts around the corner. Then I start thinking, "it won't hurt me to eat just one more right?" Then what do I do?

I decide to eat just half.
Now I'm proud of myself.

But guess what happens later on in the day? I eat the other half. Of course I eat the other half. It can't just sit there, uneaten, itself. Haha.
What is it about donuts...that you can't have just one? Even though you are fully aware of how bad they are for you? I have to know. Obviously they are delicious.

Question time:
What's your favorite type/flavor of donut?
Where do you prefer to get your donuts? (Dunkin' Donuts, Krispy Kreme, etc.)
Don't be shy! I wanna know! :)

Officially Under Contract!

Hello everyone! I just wanted to tell everyone that Ian and I are now officially under contract on our first home! Now all we have to do is hope and pray that the city let's us start building at least by the first of May in order for them to finish in time for us to get the first time home buyer's tax credit! I am so excited...yet extremely anxious! Please pray people! We really need that money!