Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Don't Have an Excuse...

Hello. I haven't blogged recently because I'm lazzzzyyy haha. Okay, busy too. :)
What's been going on in my life?
All kinds of stuff!

We've been spending more time outside, because we finally have some spring weather!

The cherry blossoms are starting to bloom, and they are my favorite!

Ian and I have gone on a couple dates. :)

Sunday we decided to try a new sushi restauran in town called Wasabi...and I have to say, it was absolutely unbelievable!

This past weekend we went to Auburn with our friends to eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Niffer's.

Niffer's is known for a lot of things, especially their burgers. I believe they have like 26 different kinds of burgers? I got a turkey burger wrap...which is basically a burger, in a wrap! You probably could've gathered that from the name huh?

After dinner, we went to a place in Opelika called Eighth & Rail, to see Matthew Mayfield play. They were awesome.

Ian being silly after leaving the concert. Haha.

One thing that I am super excited about is my new Gussy ruffled headband that I won in a Gussy giveaway last month! I have worn it three times since receiving it in the mail last week. Thanks Maggie! :)

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday! :)


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} if you won a trip to Disneyland/world, who would you take with you?
My favoritest friends. :)

{two} when was the last time you listened to a CD?
It's been a long time. I always listen to the music on my iPhone or the radio.

{three} what spice/seasoning is your favorite?
Other than garlic, because I know that's a cliche answer...I love cilantro. I could put it in just about anything.

{four} if you were in a band, what kind of music would you play?
Gosh. That's a good question, because I love so many different genres of music.

{five} if you could have personally witnessed one historical event, which one would it be?
Oh wow. Maybe a major breakthrough invention or something. I'm not sure what though. Maybe the toilet? Haha. I bet those people were happy. 

{six} if you could go back to school, what would you study?
I would want to study photography.

{seven} if you could go to one sporting event, all expenses paid, which one would you see?
To be honest, I'm not a huge sports fan. I really could care less. Sometimes I wish I liked sports more, but then I remember that I really don't care. Haha!

{eight} do you drive an automatic or a manual?

{nine} are you comfortable speaking in front of people?
Not really. Well, it also depends on the group of people. I am very outgoing...but it also makes me nervous to talk in front of people I don't know.

{ten} have you ever experienced an earthquake?
Well, there was a point in high school where an earthquake happened somewhere, and we felt tremors from it in the middle of the night. I thought it was a dream until people were talking about it the next day in class.

Don't forget to link up over at Leigh Ashley's!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.   My most prized possession is   _wow. I have so many. I am so blessed, and I consider everything I own a prized possession  .

2.  If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be    the age I am now! I love being 25   .

3.  The best way to spend a weekend is    with friends and family   .

4.  My outlook on life is     that life is short. I think we should live each day as if it is our last, and love the ones around us  .

5.  If you want to annoy me, just     chew your food really loudly. Ugh. I might go nuts on you  .

6.  I am completely defenseless when it comes to  __cupcakes   .

7.  When dressing for the day one should  __put on something that you feel amazing in. You look good when you feel good about yourself and what you are wearing    .

 Don't forget to link up over at Lauren's!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} what was your first job?
I worked as an assistant at a family practice doctor's office.

{two} have you ever seen a stand up comedian?
Yep. Hilarious.

{three} when was the last time you played mini golf?
It's been a few years. I am awful at it from what I remember.

{four} what was the last picture you took?
Pictures of the dogs a few minutes ago!

{five} burnt food: yes or no?
Burnt hotdogs or  cheese toast, yes. Other food, no.

{six} if you have a pocket full of change, what do you do with it?
Put it in my wallet.

{seven} can you touch your tongue to your nose?

{eight} do you scrapbook?
I did at one point, but I don't anymore.

{nine} do you buy lottery tickets?

{ten} do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
Behind it.

Don't forget to link up over at Leigh Ashley's!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.   The best deal I've ever gotten is   _a few years ago, I found a pair of awesome boots from JCPenny for $19.99, on sale from $150.00_.

2.  If I were hosting a dinner party and could invite people from my fantasy guest list it would include    omgosh where do I start? Will Ferrell would definitely have to be there. Rachel McAdams (love her), Ryan Reynolds, and Channing Tatum would have to be there too. Haha    .

3.  Something that inspires me is    all sorts of stuff. I am inspired by lots of things   .

4.  If I could only choose to eat one flavor of food for the rest of eternity (sweet, salty, spicy, bitter....) I would have to go with     Probably salty. I love salt and probably use way too much of it. Haha  .

5.  I dream about     nothing. I used to have dreams and was able to remember them every morning, but for some reason, I never remember any of them now! Weird   .

6.  My weekend will be spent  __hanging out with family and friends  .

7.  If I could only  watch one movie or TV show for the rest of my life, it would be  __FRIENDS! I love that show to death    .
Don't forget to link up over at Lauren's!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Pup's New Cupcake Toy

  First of all, happy St. Patty's Day! :)


Okay, those of you who know me well, or read one of my previous posts, know that I am obsessed with cupcakes. How can you not be? Not only are the absolutely adorable, but they are delicious as well. But you know what's weird? I am not really a cake person. I know it's weird right? But if you put a cupcake in front of me, I'm going to eat it. Haha.

Last Saturday, Ian and I took Raven over to PetSmart to officially adopt her (YAY!), and decided to get her and Lilly a couple of new toys to play with...and then I saw this...a doggie cupcake toy! Of course I had to get it. Lilly and Raven fight over it, and the only pictures I could get of the toy were when Lilly had it because she stayed still the longest. Needless to say, they love it. Enjoy the pics! :)

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday! :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} scruffy or clean shaven?
Scruffy. :)

{two} what’s your favorite sundae topping?
Caramel, caramel, and maybe some more caramel. :)

{three} do you own slippers?
Yes, but I'd rather go barefoot.

{four} did you ever have a tree house?

{five} how you do relieve stress?
Usually I just rest and watch tv...but exercise usually does the trick too.

{six} what’s your favorite dr. seuss book?
Green eggs and ham!

{seven} have you ever taken dance classes?
I've done Zumba a million times, does that count?

{eight} which do you use more: the thesaurus or the dictionary?

{nine} what’s your favorite form of exercise?
Zumba! I gotta be having fun!

{ten} what’s the longest you’ve ever waited in line?
Probably at Six Flags or something, waiting to get on a roller coaster. Was it worth it? I think so. Ha.

Don't forget to link up over at Leigh Ashley's!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.   My biggest accomplishment in life thus far is   _my marriage. I am so lucky to have found someone who compliments me so well, and who puts up with me. Lol  .

2.  My favorite place to sit in my house is    in the corner of the couch...on the left side   .

3.  My fashion philosophy is    oh gosh I don't know. I have so many haha  .

4.  Something every girl should have is     fun colors of nail polishes. It brightens my day, and I know it would yours  !

5.  If you looked in my purse right now you'd find....     haha that's a funny question. You would find my makeup bag, a baggie of different colored pens, bobby pins, body spray, my keys, cell phone, maybe some hair spray, haha...and a brush   .

6.  My favorite music right now is  __I have way too many favorites to count...but Taylor Swift is pretty high up on the list   .

7.  My favorite part of my body is  __my stomach. It tends to stay smaller than the rest of my body...haha    .

 Don't forget to link up over at Lauren's today!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Photos of Sweet Raven

Head on over to my photo blog to see some adorable pictures of our new family member, Raven. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} what color is your kitchen?
It's a really pretty blue color...light turquoise that is.

{two} do you have a good luck charm?

{three} do you prefer to write with a pen or pencil?

{four} can you use chopsticks?

{five} do you prefer baths or showers?

{six} what is your favorite salad dressing?
I love balsamic vinegar with olive oil. It's the best.

{seven} can you sing the alphabet backwards?
I don't think I've ever tried!

{eight} do you have any allergies?
I don't think so...

{nine} crunchy or creamy peanut butter?

{ten} have you ever hitch hiked?
Nope! I'd much rather drive myself, haha.

Don't forget to link up over at Leigh Ashley's!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fun with Family

This past weekend, Ian's parents came to town to visit us. They stayed at our house, and Saturday night we decided to cook out. I don't know if I've mentioned it on the blog or not, but Ian and I are doing a 21 day fast, where basically, we are only eating fruits and vegetables. What did we cook out on Saturday? Fruits and veggies! And boy were they good.

Ian's dad chopped up some red, orange, and yellow bell peppers...

Then he cut up some onion, and some pineapple...yum.

What did we do with all the veggies?

We made kabobs...and we grilled them! And boy were they good. We also grilled some portobello mushrooms with olive oil and garlic, which I didn't get a picture of, but trust me, they were good too. :)

 I also made a salad...

And my sister-in-law Joanna brought some fruit, which was amazing...and looked so pretty the way she arranged it, that I didn't want to eat it at first! Ha. These were some of the best strawberries I think I've ever had.

Dinner was definitely a hit. I am pretty sure there wasn't anything left. Definitely a delicious, (and healthy) meal!

Me & my sister-in-law Joanna...

After dinner, the boys sat around and played XBox, while I took pictures of the pups...

How do I get the dogs to sit still and look cute for pictures?

By giving them one of these bad boys. :)

"Pretty pleaseeeee can I have it? Can I have it? Can I have it?"

Get's em' every time! :)

Oh, and the tennis ball works too! "Please mommy will you throw it? Please!"

Relax time. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)
