Friday, September 30, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.   My current obsession is      kale chips. I think I have made them every single day since the first day I tried them. Delicious  .

2.    My family & my friends      make me happy.

3.  My greatest strength is   knowing that the Lord is with me always, even when it seems as if He isn't   .

4.    Being extremely indecisive   is my greatest weakness.

5.  My life is    wonderful. I am blessed beyond measure .

6.  In high school I was     friends with everyone   .

7.  When I'm super tired    I get very quiet, and I might seem like I'm listening to you, and I probably am, but I might not remember it tomorrow. Ha 

Don't forget to link up over at Lauren's!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gussy Headband Giveaway

Who wants to win FOUR Gussy Sews headbands?!?

ME! :)

Head on over to Gussy's place to enter to win your's today. :)


Monday, September 12, 2011

Day at the Farm

The other day, I went to a farm with one of the sweet girls in our youth group at church, to help her feed horses. I'm not much of a country girl (I mean, I have a pair of cowboy boots, but you know) but I had such an awesome time! My favorite part of the day was getting to see Sammy, this adorable donkey...


Then there was Aflac, the duck...


And Sophie, the baby horse who is not yet a year old. :)


I even got to hold a baby donkey...and boy was she heavy! Haha.


I think these donkeys thought I had food...hehe.



Sammy was so sweet...he literally followed me around like a dog. Kinda weird. :)




Oh and then there was a pig, who was mean as fire when she was hungry! Haha.


Needless to say, I had an absolute blast and will definitely be going back there again. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. Somewhere someone is doing something that they think nobody knows about, but God knows .

2. My friends & family is/are my muse.

3. It would suck if eyeliner was no more because, I would have to make due with a sharpie pen or something haha .

4. Confidence is/are my favorite thing about today.

5. Life is kind of like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get...hehe_ .

6. If I could have anything I wanted I would want to have a healthy family when we decide to start one .

7. A funny thing happened the other day... well, it's not funny really, but pretty awesome. I'll just say this, God doesn't always answer prayers in the way you hope for Him to, but regardless of the way He does answer them, He gives you a peace about everything .
Don't forget to link up over at Lauren's!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1.   One thing that is completely superfluous, but that I could never give up is     my photo apps on my iPhone. I have way too many but can't bring myself to delete any of them despite the full memory on my phone because I love them so much  .

2.    Unreliable people   make me feel awkward, and mad.

3.  I can't    imagine life    without,    my family  .

4.    Beef jerky _is my favorite snack.

5.  Lately I've been     loving mason jars, and those cute little paper straws_ .

6.  If at first you don't succeed    just breathe, and try again .

7.  Fall is    my favorite season and I can't wait for it to get here  .
Don't forget to link up over at Lauren's! 


Thursday, September 1, 2011

::Inspiration Workshop - Vintage::

Gussy's prompt this week is VINTAGE.

Here are some "vintagy" (hehe) things I found on Pinterest that I ♥:

Don't forget to link up over at Gussy's place!
