Friday, February 25, 2011

Lilly & Raven Love to Play

When we first brought Raven home last weekend...she was very timid, and scared to death, probably because Lilly wasn't too sure about her at first. But I have to say, she has gotten comfortable, and her and Lilly are BFF now. It's really cute...because Lilly is somewhat protective of her now, which is really sweet. Here are some adorable pictures I got of them playing in the yard on Tuesday evening. Some of them might be a little blurry, because they were running so fast! :)

To say these two were exhausted after this little play date is an understatement!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday! :)

(Photo templates & tape strips by Pugly Pixel)


  1. Your pups are so cute I can't even handle it! Glad they are getting along.

  2. They're so cute!! I love the pics with Lilly's tongue out. Hahaha.


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